Annie Mack

Healing Justice

Healing activism is the practice of tapping into decolonized ways of healing to address the racialized pain of the present, and also the deep intergenerational trauma of unhealed ancestral pains stored deep in our shadows. 

Our shadow self serves us in really powerful ways. Our ability to create coping mechanisms to survive the trauma and harm from racism both historically and ongoing. When we start to pursue radical healing, we are able to release those things that no longer serve us as they once did. 

As a creative healing activist, I know that healing is collective because much of our pain is experienced together, especially that of racialized pain. Our resistance is in community and much of our healing as Impacted People of Color is collective and can only be done when in autonomous sacred spaces without white folks.

Justice healing is a spiritual and emotional intention that leads to action in our lives, and this active action cannot happen alongside those who have done us harm, even in the space of allyship as a co-conspirator. 
Co-conspirators can help change systems, can interrupt day-to-day microaggressions and can reflect on their own white supremacy, but they have no place in the healing of Impacted People of Color. 

My current intentions are focusing on Black motherhood, queer BIPOC youth, the dying community, and also education through MCing events rooted in Truth like Juneteenth and the Dying Collective.